Our mathematics curriculum is designed with clear objectives regarding intent, implementation, and impact for our students. Our primary goal is to provide all children, from Reception to Year 6, with opportunities to enhance their fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Each year group follows a structured overview of the mathematical topics and specific goals to be taught each term. These long terms overviews can be found below.
At Willow Tree we have adopted a mastery approach to teaching mathematics, utilizing the 5-part lesson framework. Mathematical concepts are explored through various representations and problem-solving contexts to offer students a deeper and richer learning experience. We aim for our students to master mathematics, enabling them to represent concepts or skills in multiple ways, communicate mathematical ideas effectively, and apply their knowledge independently to new and unfamiliar problems. We encourage pupils to make connections between mathematical procedures and concepts to ensure fluency, logical reasoning, and problem-solving competence.
In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), children build number sense, with a new number introduced each week. This "number of the week" is incorporated across all areas of daily life. For example, when studying the number 5, children may explore it through 4p, £4, 4 o'clock, or shapes such as squares and cubes. From the beginning, EYFS children are encouraged to explain their reasoning and test their understanding. In Years 1-6, daily maths lessons use the Whiterose Maths scheme as a vehicle to support the 5-part lesson model. Whole class learning focuses on identifying potential misconceptions, and students practice mathematical skills through varied representations, including practical resources (manipulatives), visual aids, and formal written methods.
The impact of our curriculum is assessed through regular, ongoing evaluations of student learning. Children are given frequent opportunities to recall and apply previously learned knowledge and skills across different strands of mathematics. Ongoing assessments enable teachers to quickly identify students who need additional support, with same-day interventions provided. Termly assessments are conducted using established schemes, and the data collected helps inform future lesson planning. High-quality professional development is provided through the Maths Hub, led by the Three Saints Academy Trust, ensuring staff stay up-to-date with the latest and most effective teaching methods in mathematics.
For detailed information on the short term objectives in maths, please see the year group pages.