Willow Tree Primary School

Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

Staff - 2024 - 2025

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Sweeney - Headteacher

Miss Holdsworth - Assistant Headteacher, KS2 Lead

Mr Allinson - EYFS and KS1 Lead

Mrs Bagdonavicius - SENDCO

Mrs Watson-Jones - School Business Manager


Class Teachers

Miss Nicholls - EYFS

Mr Allinson - Year 1

Mrs Sullivan - Year 2

Mr Mcdonald - Year 3

Mrs Bagdonavicius / Mrs Dickinson - Year 4

Miss Vickers - Year 5

Miss Holdsworth - Year 6


Teaching Assistants

Ms Bamber

Mrs Beech

Mrs Burrows

Miss Cowley

Mrs Johns (HLTA)

Ms Lonsdale

Mrs Moulsdale

Mrs Pinder

Miss Smith

Miss Topping

Mrs Virasamy


Midday Supervisors

Ms Bamber

Mrs Hull

Mrs Johns

Miss Kimmie

Ms Lonsdale

Miss Topping

Mrs Virasamy


Admin Staff

Mrs Adams

 Mrs Baxter

Mrs Prendegast


Cleaning and Site Staff

Mr Doyle - Caretaker

Ms Bamber - Cleaning


Kitchen Staff