Governors have a vital role. They help set the strategic direction of the school and ensure it delivers on its responsibilities. This requires a group of committed people from many walks of life with a mix of skills and experience. They all share an interest in education, a desire to help the school and an enquiring mind.
Almost anyone over 18 years of age can become a governor. There are no particular qualifications or requirements other than a commitment to give time to the role and a capacity for working with other people. The most important thing is that governors have skills to contribute and the willingness to learn and develop their abilities as governors.
This is a part-time, voluntary role which is very rewarding and interesting. Successful applicants will be given a full induction programme and on-going training and support is available.
Our Governing Body
The Headteacher
Mrs Jane Sweeney
Staff Governor
Miss Sarah Holdsworth
Parent Governors (elected by parents and carers of pupils at the school)
Mrs Clare Halsall
Mrs Jane Kinsey
LA Governor (appointed by the governing body on the recommendation of the LEA)
Mr Paul Gerrard
Co-opted Governors (appointed by the governing body)
Mrs Karen Crosby
Ms Vicky Haslam
Mrs Jackie Lowe (Chair)
Mrs Diane Wainwright
Associate Members
Mrs Tracey Watson-Jones: Finance & Health and Safety
Associate members are not governors. They have been appointed because they have expertise in a particular area. They do not have voting rights on the full governing body but have been granted voting rights at the committees upon which they have been appointed to serve to the extent allowed by the regulations.
Overall Governing Body Arrangements
Our Governing Body aim to meet 7 times a year using the Circular model. Our structure is reviewed annually and agreed by all Governors.
Structure and Remit
The Governors meet as a full Governing Body at all meetings.
In this academic year, the Governors have decided to remain with the same Governing structure.
Committee Structure
As the Governing Body meet as a whole, We are a Governing Body without committees. All decisions are made at the 7 meetings.
The Chair of Governors chairs all meetings. In her absence, the Vice Chair acts as Chair.
Headteacher Performance Review Panel
Remit Overview: To annually review the Headteacher’s performance over the previous academic year and agree performance objectives for the forthcoming year.
Appointed governors:
Paul Gerrard
Jackie Lowe
Steph Topping
The following committees will be formed when necessary: (minimum of 3 governors):
Staff Discipline, Grievance and Dismissal Committee
Membership: To be determined when needed
Quoram: Three governors
Remit Overview:
To consider any grievance raised by a member of staff,
To consider and make decisions that could result in a disciplinary sanction against an employee,
To implement the school’s redundancy procedures when necessary.
Complaints Committee
Membership: To be determined when needed
Quoram: Three governors
Remit Overview: To investigate and respond to any complaint referred to the committee in accordance with procedures adopted by the Governing Body.
Appeals Committee
Membership: To be determined when needed
Quoram: To be three Governors as determined by the Governing Body who have not been involved in decision of the “First” Committee. Membership to consist of any three governors not involved in the original decision.
Remit Overview: To review any decision made by the Staff Discipline, Grievance and Dismissal Committee or the Complaints Committee.
Membership to consist of any three governors not involved in the original decision.
Nominated Governors
SEND Governor: Jane Kinsey
Safeguarding/Health and Safety: Diane Wainwright
Appointed Governor: Jackie Lowe
Appointed Governor:
Appointed Governor: Paul Gerrard
Governors Forum Representative: To be decided
Type of Governor | Surname | Forename | Start Term | End Term | Business/Pecuniary Interests | Related to School Staff | Other Governance Roles |
Headteacher | Sweeney | Jane | 23/04/22 | - | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Co-Opted | Crosby | Karen | 11/07/22 | 10/07/26 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Co-Opted | Wainwright | Diane | 01/03/21 | 28/02/25 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Co-Opted | Lowe | Jackie | 12/11/22 |
11/11/26 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Co-Opted | Spencer | Brian | 12/11/22 | 11/11/26 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Co-Opted | Topping | Steph | 12/11/22 | 11/11/26 | Nil Return | Parent | None |
Co-Opted | Haslam | Vicky | 16/03/20 | 15/03/24 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Co-Opted | VACANCY | ||||||
Local Authority | Gerrard | Paul | 29/10/21 | 28/10/25 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Parent | Hallsall | Clare | 02/02/22 | 01/02/26 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Parent | Kinsey | Jane | 01/03/21 | 28/02/25 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Parent | VACANCY | ||||||
Staff | Farrell | Sharon | 12/06/21 | 11/06/25 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Associate Members
Type of Governor | Surname | Forename | Start Term | End Term | Business/Pecuniary Interests | Related to School Staff | Other Governance Roles |
Associate Member | Watson-Jones | Tracey | 12/06/21 | 11/06/25 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Governors serving over the previous 12 months
Type of Governor | Surname | Forename | Start Term | End Term | Business/Pecuniary Interests | Related to School Staff | Other Governance Roles |
Co-opted | Ford | Natalie | 01/03/21 | 02/10/23 | Nil Return | Nil return | None |
Parent | Wardell | Amanda | 29/03/22 | 09/10/23 | Nil Return | Nil return | Trustee of Sutton Academy |
Terms of Reference - click here to read!
You can view the attendance of each of our governors at meetings over the past academic year by clicking this link.