Willow Tree Primary School

Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

Sports Premium

Additional funding has been provided since 2013 to support and improve the provision of physical education (PE) and sports in primary schools. The funding is ring fenced and can only be spent on PE, Staff CPD and sports provision.


Budget Allocation

Total fund allocated: Jan. £7,558 awaiting further funding- estimated at £18,500 total.


How the budget allocation has been spent?

The school has under taken an audit of its PE provision and developed an action plan which forms part of our overall strategy for improving the physical well being of our children.


Swimming Results

 Our data regarding the percentage of pupils who can swim and perform safe self-rescue by the end of Year 6 can be seen as part of the Sports Premium document below.


Sports Premium 2023-2024


 Sports Premium Plan 2024-25.docxDownload
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