Weekly News 28/01/2228 January 2022 (by Miss Topping (chloetopping)) |
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Attendance week commencing 24th January
Attendance |
Nursery |
95% |
Reception |
95% |
Year 1 |
94% |
Year 2 |
96% |
Year 3P |
80% |
Year 3BD |
97% |
Year 4A |
93% |
Year 5W |
95% |
Year 5H |
99% |
Year 6 |
95% |
Bikes on Playground
To ensure the safety of everyone, bikes should never be ridden on school premises. Please remind your children to dismount and push their bike to the bike store. Bikes should not be left outside the main school entrance.
After School Club and Breakfast Club
If you would like your child to attend either of these clubs they must be booked in to the required sessions on the ParentPay site. Booking system closes on the Friday evening for the following week. Children can not attend the sessions unless they are booked in, this is to ensure we have the correct staffing levels and enough food for all of the children. If there is an unexpected need for your child to attend and you have been unable to book a place please call the school office.
Any medication to be administered in school must be brought to the office and a medicine permission form completed by the parent/carer. Children are not allowed to carry their own medication.