Weekly News (19/05/23)19 May 2023 (by Miss Topping (chloetopping)) |
Please click on the date to view our weekly news.
This week winners are:
DOJO Winners |
Star of The Week |
Reception |
Jacob Kirkham & John Owen |
Reception |
Imogen Scarsbrick |
Year 1 |
Leo Yates |
Year 1 |
Theo Georgiou |
Year 2 |
Freddie Mines |
Year 2 |
Luna Devlin |
Year 3 |
Summer Sloan |
Year 3 |
Amblessed Obi |
Year 4 |
Bonnie Kinsey |
Year 4 |
Jessica Davies |
Year 5 |
Mason Denham |
Year 5 |
Darci Ainscough |
Year 6 |
Kia Watson |
Year 6 |
Holly Martindale Yasmin Alburkeh |
Reception |
Inaya Nxumalo |
Year 1 |
Charlie Unsworth |
Year 2 |
Roseann Hill |
Year 3 |
Tyler Chadwick |
Year 4 |
Angel Owen |
Year 5 |
Harrison Loveday |
Year 6 |
Tyler McSpirit |
Attendance week commencing 19/05/2023
Attendance |
Reception |
88% |
Year 1 |
95% |
Year 2 |
89% |
Year 3 |
95% |
Year 4 |
95% |
Year 5 |
94% |
Year 6 |
82% |
We are delighted to award the following children their bronze, silver and gold awards this week:
Reception |
Y1 |
Y2 |
Year 3 |
Y4 |
Y5 |
Y6 |
Hallie Armstrong Kayleb Campbell Maddie Pickavance Aya Abdelrashid |
Reception |
Y1 |
Y2 |
Year 3 |
Y4 |
Y5 |
Y6 |
Teddy Fenton Caitlin Smith Ava Lewis Alleeah Grady Rosalie Carroll
Sophia Brett Grace Brown |
Reception |
Y1 |
Y2 |
Year 3
Y4 |
Y5 |
Y6 |
Year 6 Residential -Monday 22nd May – Wednesday 25th May.
Year 6 children will be going on the residential trip on Monday 22nd May. All children not taking part will be participating in some creative activities and local visits.
Children With Additional Needs
One of the school’s key aims is to be inclusive to all children and children with additional needs and disabilities. School offers a drop -in after school session for parents on Thursdays 3.30pm with Miss Haslam,(the school SENDCo) to offer support and advice on children with additional needs.
Football Tournament
Well, done to the girls representing our school today. They played in the local football tournament competition at Sutton Academy.
Football Achievement
Well done to Caitlyn, Ava and Olivia for their second place medal playing for Newton Le Willows girls’ football team. Lionesses in the making!
Lacy Saxon- Well done for achieving your Brownie’s promise!
Year 1 Phonics Screening
All children in Year 1 will be doing the phonics screening check on the week beginning Monday 12th June. This will celebrate their hard work learning to read.
Scoot Fit Day
On Thursday 25th May, we will be holding a Scooter Experience day in school. All classes from R-Y6 will take part in scooting sessions throughout the day where they will be taught how to use scooters safely, whilst having fun over ramps and obstacles. All scooters and safety equipment will be provided. School are asking for a contribution of £3 per child to take part in this fun day. Payment will be made through Parent Pay. Further information about the event can be found at www.scootfit.co.uk Contribution needs to be paid ASAP or the event could be cancelled.
Year 6 Residential -Monday 22nd May – Wednesday 25th May.
Year 6 children will be going on the residential trip on Monday 22nd May. All children not taking part will be going on local trips out with school. More details to follow.
Health and Safety
This is a polite reminder that for health and safety reasons, dogs and puppies are not allowed onto the school premises. This includes when they are being carried. Thank you.
Parking on the yellow zig-zag markings outside of school is strictly prohibited and is breaking the law. This will be closely monitored by our CTV system. This is to ensure the safety of our pupils when crossing Willow Tree Avenue.