Weekly News (25/10/24)25 October 2024 (by Miss Topping (chloetopping)) |
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Friday 25th October 2024
This week winners are:
DOJO Winners |
Star of The Week |
Reception |
John Morgan |
Reception |
Niav Stanley |
Year 1 |
Thomas Burton |
Year 1 |
James Burrows |
Year 2 |
John Owen |
Year 2 |
Inaya Nxumalo |
Year 3 |
Leo Yates |
Year 3 |
Jake Webster |
Year 4 |
Anabelle Humphries |
Year 4 |
Ellis Stanley |
Year 5 |
Amblessed Obi Thomas Brown |
Year 5 |
Millie Cooper |
Year 6 |
Hailie Armstrong |
Year 6 |
Oliver Barron |
Reception |
Issac Lawrenson |
Year 1
Brooke-Lynn Tinsley |
Year 2
Charlie Brown |
Year 3
Milana Mustafayeva |
Year 4
Allayah Whelan |
Year 5
Joshua Cunningham |
Year 6 |
Scott Sullivan |
Attendance week commencing 21/10/2024
Attendance |
Reception |
98% |
Year 1 |
86% |
Year 2 |
88% |
Year 3 |
86% |
Year 4 |
96% |
Year 5 |
97% |
Year 6 |
97% |
Start of the Day
A reminder – school starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. The children must be in their classroom at 8.45am.
Sammy Clothes Collection
Thanks to everyone who donated goods. Collecting these reusable clothes raises much needed funds for school and additionally raises money for Leukaemia and Myeloma Research UK.
What YOU must do:
Try to telephone the school before 8.30am each day of your child’s absence.
Tell the school in advance, of any medical appointments and bring in appointment cards/letters.
If you are not sure whether your child is well enough to attend school, send them in anyway as they often perk up on arrival.
Have a backup plan for if your child misses transport, call on a family member, neighbour or friend.
If you and your child are experiencing difficulties with school attendance then talk to us as a first step so we can help!
What WE will do:
Check your child’s attendance every day.
Send messages to check on your child in their absence.
Phone home to discuss your child’s attendance with you. Invite you into school for attendance meetings if we are concerned.
If we cannot establish a reason for absence, then we may make a welfare home visit.
Halloween Party
Thank you to all who supported the event and to the staff who did a great job making sure the children had fun. A massive £326.70 was raised for our School Fund which is used to benefit the children.
Lost Property
A black Nike backpack has been left in the office and not been collected for a few weeks. It contains trainers and some jogging trousers. If it belongs to your child please come to the office to collect it.
Reception children Questionnaire
The St Helens School Health service have contacted all reception parents by text with a link to an online health questionnaire for them to complete and identify any health support needs.
Please complete the questionnaire ASAP if you have not already completed it.
If anyone has not received the text could they contact 01744 411277 to check that the health team have the correct mobile number.
We are delighted to be offering swimming from after half term. Please ensure your child has a costume, towel and cap. Children may come in their costumes and PE kits on swimming days. Please remember to send underwear for when they get changed.
Reception and KS1 Nativity- change of date
Please note the Reception and KS1 Nativity will be on Monday 16th December now- 9.15am and 1.30pm - not 9th as listed previously.
IASS Coffee Afternoon
For any parents or carers who have children with a special educational need there are coffee mornings held to offer support and advice. The sessions are at Sutton Family Hub, Sutton Children’s Centre, Ellamsbridge Road, St Helens WA9 3PY every Monday 1pm to 3pm
School Gates
After half term children in years 3 to 6 will need to go through the main gate to the Key Stage 2 playground. From there they will be unaccompanied by parents. The gate will be locked at 8.45 so please ensure your children arrive at school before 8.45.
Thank you for your cooperation.