Willow Tree Primary School

Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Weekly News (10/01/25)

Weekly News (10/01/25)

10 January 2025 (by Miss Topping (chloetopping))

Click on the date to read our latest newsletter.

This week winners are:                                                                       


DOJO Winners


  Star of The Week


Cody Hardy


Arthur Blake

Year 1

Thomas Burton

Mariam Algellay

 Year 1

 George Samuel

Year 2

Oliver Bates

Scarlet Hillman

 Year 2

 Archie Cottle

Year 3

Leo Yates

 Year 3

 Esme McSpirit

Year 4

Freddie Mines

 Year 4

 Shane Boardman Gleave

Year 5

Josh Cunningham

 Year 5

 Isobel Wainwright

Year 6

Krisztian Ocsai

Year 6

 Scott Sullivan



Archie Shaw

Year 1


Cassia Pritchard

Year 2


Ivy Roberts

Year 3


Brayden Brimelow

Year 4


Freddie Mines

Year 5


Layla Anders

Year 6

Rosalie Carroll



Attendance week commencing 06/01/2025




Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6



Welcome Back

Welcome back everyone, hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year. It was great to see all the children back, but the weather has not been good on our return. But we have successfully been able to keep our school open with the help of our brilliant caretaker Mr Doyle and all the staff.

After school Clubs

They start again this term; they will start on Monday 13th January. Most of the clubs are now full. We still have spaces on the football club years 3/4/5 every Tuesday. You can pick up forms from the office.

Year 6 Booster Class

They will start on Monday 13th January, its is important that your children attend. Children have been given a letter to inform you when they will be attending.

Start of the Day

A reminder – school starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. The children must be in their classroom at 8.45am.


What YOU must do:

Try to telephone the school before 8.30am each day of your child’s absence.

Tell the school in advance, of any medical appointments and bring in appointment cards/letters.

If you are not sure whether your child is well enough to attend school, send them in anyway as they often perk up on arrival.

Have a backup plan for if your child misses transport, call on a family member, neighbour or friend.

If you and your child are experiencing difficulties with school attendance then talk to us as a first step so we can help!


What WE will do:

Check your child’s attendance every day.

Send messages to check on your child in their absence.

Phone home to discuss your child’s attendance with you. Invite you into school for attendance meetings if we are concerned.

If we cannot establish a reason for absence, then we may make a welfare home visit.

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 there is no charge. Also if you are entitled to free school meals there will not be a charge.