Willow Tree Primary School

Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

Mental Health Week

Willow Tree Primary School enjoyed a fun packed week of activities aimed at promoting positive mental health and wellbeing for all children, parents and staff.

We had visits from Martin Murray, St Helens legend, who talked to the children about resilience and keeping themselves physically fit in order to help them have a positive focus on their mind-set.

The children enjoyed listening to him and were inspired by his work ethic, never give up!



Jamie Lehey and Chuck were absolutely brilliant and had the children entertained during an assembly aimed at promoting good mental health. Jamie reminded the children that it’s OK to not be OK but tell an adult or friend so that you can get help when you need it.
Tara and Brad from Saints Community Foundation delivered a ‘Healthy body, Healthy mind’ workshop to parents and children. This was popular and gave parents ideas to try at home to support family with their own Mental Health needs.

All children took part in a ‘Junior Chef’ session, and learned the importance of healthy eating to support their own wellbeing.


Pupils undertook a therapeutic art session and made a mosaic of a ‘Honey hive’ which will be proudly displayed in the honeycomb room.


Year 6 pupils engaged in a wellbeing session with Les Roberts, child therapist. They talked about things that we can and can’t control, and were supported to make these judgements.

Year 6 children were trained as wellbeing warriors and called themselves ‘Busy Bees’. These children are available on the playground during lunchtimes and support other pupils to make friends.

Classrooms timetabled in Mindful Monday activities, such as breathing activities, Thoughtful Tuesday involved reframing thoughts and positive affirmations. Wellbeing Wednesday focused on resilience activities and raising self- esteem. Thankful Thursday encouraged gratitude journaling and making thank you cards. Feelings Friday closed with exploring the use of a worry box.

Willow Tree also have some skilled staff who delivered massages, meditation sessions and cheerleading sessions after school for all staff!



Willow Tree are lucky to have their own Wellbeing hub known as The Hive. This is available to all children and offers bespoke interventions, targeting support in the form of counselling, therapies and wellbeing sessions.

All children had access to this facility during the week and engaged in mindfulness sessions, physical activity games outdoors and making friendship bracelets.

These new skills will continue to be developed and be embedded throughout life at Willow Tree Primary School.