Willow Tree Primary School

Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust


 Year 4

Class Teacher

Mrs Bagdonavicius (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Mrs Dickinson (Thursday, Friday)


PE days: Monday and Wednesday


Welcome to Year 4 and all of its wonderful and exciting opportunities for learning, inside and outside of the classroom.


We hope you all have had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to the Autumn Term. We look forward to seeing you everyday.

Please see below for details about what the children will be studying throughout the term. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to message on Class Dojo.



Weekly Timetable

(You can click the download link below the document to download a copy.)


We will be kicking off our school year, using a variety of good quality texts to engage and build your child's vocabulary. The texts that we will be using are shown below and link to our curriculum driver, 'animals and their habitats.' There will be the opportunity to explore non-fiction texts around the theme of whales and other exciting creatures. Below are the excellent texts that we will be using, if you wish to explore them further then they can be found at the Chester Lane library or can be bought online.  


This year we will continue to use Spellingframe tool to support our spelling. Each child will continue to have a login to practice the statutory Year 4 words. These Logins will be found in your child's reading journal.  Each week we will practice our spellings using the Ipads and will then test ourselves on the Friday. You to can help your child practice at home, to give them the best chance of achieving their best practice every day. Below is the statutory Y3/4 word list. It is expected that your child will be able to read and spell each of these words before enter Year 5.

Y3/4 Statutory Spelling List - How many of these words can you spell?


 PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

Reminder - Home reading is now being completed and logged using reading journals. This will be monitored and your child's book band will be changed each term following assessments. The expected standard in Year 4 is for your child to be a 'free reader', this means your child will read a book of their choice that challenges their comprehension skills. Please let me know if you have any issues with this. In addition, your child will read with an adult in school each week and this will be recorded using our reading journals. Reading is a key element of the GAIN award. We ask that your child reads atleast 3 times a week. This is the bare minimum!  


A few reminders; 

Spellings - spellings will be available to download. Please practice these daily. The children will practice the spellings and spelling rules through the week. They will be tested on their spellings each Friday using spelling frame.

Maths - Please continue to practice TTrockstars. Logins will be resent in the first few weeks of term. If you need a new login please let me know. Times tables are a massive part of Year 4 and require a great deal of practice. 

Our priority is your child's happiness and well-being.