Willow Tree Primary School

Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Weekly Newsletter 08/10/21

Weekly Newsletter 08/10/21

8 October 2021 (by Miss Topping (chloetopping))

Click the date to read our newsletter.

Dear Parents & Carers,

 Update from Mr Perkins

Hello everyone!  I hope you all have had a lovely week.  I gave out a record number of Headteacher awards last week which is amazing and I am always pleased to hear about the children's learning and how proud they are of their achievements.

As the nights are getting longer and the weather colder, could I just ask that the children have a warm coat or jacket for playtime and lunchtime so that they do not get cold outside?  

It's lovely to see so many children attending clubs.  The clubs are lovely opportunities offered voluntarily by our Willow Tree team to add to the children's curriculum.  As the staff are giving up their time to offer a club, could I ask that the children attend their club every week unless they are off ill?  If your child cannot attend, please contact the school office.  If we do not have a message from you, your child will attend their club.  Thank you for your cooperation with this.

As you know, attendance at school is very important and as we move out of the pandemic, we will be monitoring attendance very closely.  Every day the children are not in school is a learning day lost.  Every day counts for the children to catch up on their learning.  From next week, all attendance will be checked weekly.  If your children's attendance drops below either 95%, 90% or 85% overall, you will receive either a text message, letter or phone call to make you aware of your child's attendance and to see whether we can offer any support to help it improve. Thank you as always for supporting us in ensuring high attendance in school.

It is the Queen's Diamond Jubilee next year and the Government earlier this year announced another bank holiday as part of the celebrations.  To reflect this, the DfE reduced the number of school days for children this year from 190 to 189.  Governors have approved Friday 29th April as our additional bank holiday.  Therefore, school will be closed on Friday 29th April 2022.

A much drier weekend in store for us - have a lovely weekend!

​ ​ Attendance week commencing 4th October






Year 1


Year 2


Year 3P


Year 3BD


Year 4A


Year 5W


Year 5H


Year 6



Playground Safety

To keep everyone as safe as possible bikes and scooters must not be ridden on school grounds at any time. Please also ensure that children ride slowly and safely on the approach to school. A reception was very nearly knocked down on Wednesday morning by an older pupil riding a bike.

Absence from School

If your child is going to be absent from school could you please ring the school office by 9 a.m. If we have not heard why your child is absent we will send a text message asking you to contact school asap. If there is no response to the text it will be followed up with a phone call and possibly a home visit if we have been unable to speak to you.